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Effect of Sunscreen Application - FDA

• The FDA issued an editorial on Monday 5/6/19 based on the study, “Effect of Sunscreen Application Under Maximal Use Conditions of Plasma Concentrations of Sunscreen Active Ingredients” that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. • ASDS (American Society for Dermatologic Surgery) is concerned that while the study highlights the need for additional research on sunscreen ingredient absorption implications, it may encourage the public to avoid using sunscreen, which is a vital toolin sun protection and skin cancer prevention.

Sunscreen Products

• The fact that an ingredient is absorbed through the skin and into the body does not mean the

ingredient is unsafe. Rather, this finding calls for further testing to determine the safety of that

ingredient for repeated use. Sunscreen ingredients have been used for SEVERAL DECADES without reported side effects. • Topical sunscreen is used for prevention, not treatment. Its purpose is to absorb and reflect UV rays — it is not a medicinal product. • FDA regulations control UV filters, which is the active ingredient and is in any type of product that contains sun protection. The filter must be approved by the FDA to be used by manufacturers. Skin cancer facts: 1) Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. (Skin Cancer Foundation) 2) Over 5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. each year, more than all other cancers combined. (Skin Cancer Foundation) 3) One in five Americans will develop skin cancer by age 70. ( 4) Most skin cancers are a direct result of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. (American Cancer Society) 5) Multiple sunburn events during childhood double a child’s risk of developing skin cancer later in life. ( 6) More than 3.5 million skin cancer procedure were performed by ASDS members in 2017 – a 33 percent increase since 2012. 7)Over the last six years, treatments for melanoma – the deadliest type of skin cancer – have grown by 30 percent. ASDS / ASDSA supports access to sunscreen. Twenty states have passed SUNucate model legislation allowing students and participants in youth camps to possess and use topical sunscreen products without a physician’s note or prescription. Additionally, seven more states are considering or have already filed bills allowing the use of sunscreen in schools. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) is the largest specialty organization exclusively representing dermatologic surgeons who have unique training and experience to treat the health, function and beauty of skin. Dermatologic surgeons are experts in skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment. As the incidence of skin cancer rises, dermatologic surgeons are committed to taking steps to minimize the life-threatening effects of this disease.

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